(Microsoft Office Professional Plus includes Word 2010, Excel 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Outlook 2010 and Access 2010) How to install Microsoft Office 2010 Starter for Free However I am not able to do anything with my Microsoft Office 2010 Starter that was preloaded with my windows 7 since I had changed. I just changed my original motherboard and had my windows 10 reinstalled. If you want to use Microsoft Access 2010, Microsoft Outlook 2010 or Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, you can buy Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2010 key ($30/key). Free download of office 2010 with windows 7 product key Hi, last year I upgraded my windows 7 to windows 10 during the free upgrade period. Office 2010 lets you work how, when, and where you want, letting you get things from a PC, the Web. Microsoft Office 2010 gives you powerful new tools to express your ideas, solve problems, and connect with people. Runs on: WinXP, Win2003, Win Vista, Windows 7. Moreover WAP penalized paying users more than those who were not, and MS stole its original office suite from Sun Micro-systems open source office suite, proprietized it and sold the software. License:Freeware (Free) File Size:439.85 Mb. Windows XP or Windows 8, Windows 10 are not supported. It is free, updated frequently, has far more to offer than Microsux and you don't have Bill Gates breathing down your neck about licenses, WAP and such. Microsoft Office 2010 Starter Edition can only be installed in Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

Office 2010 Starter consists of Microsoft Word Starter 2010 and Microsoft Excel Starter 2010 only, reduced functionality versions of Microsoft Excel and Word with advertising. Microsoft Office Starter 2010 gives home users who are buying preloaded PCs the ability to perform the most common and basic productivity tasks right out of the box.
If the link doesn’t work, you can get a new link to download Microsoft Office 2010 Starter here: Download Microsoft Office 2010 Free - Download office 2010 free 60 day trial and experience the ultimate new Microsoft office applications Office 2010 is available as a full version and it is not only a big improvement over office 2007 but is evolving into a more stable and mature office suite of applications.